DreamAIR was born upon the dream of performing all specialty wet finishing which require high mechanical action (enzyming, cautifications, fibrillation, weight reduction etc..) in a continuous process, with total repeatibility and safe from any crease marks, lusterings or abrasions.In other terms the challenge was to overcome the limits of current discontinuos finishing equipments (air tumblers, air flow dyeing equipments, rotary drumtumblers etc..) and give all sensitive finishers the chance to unchain their creativity and access to high end added value finishing in an industrial and safe mode.Here you have DreamAIR, the perfect cross between air jet and continuous washing range.The combination of intense mechanical action with chemicals within a continuous process, moves forward the finishers creativity, setting DreamAIR as the new benchmark of added value finishing.A huge variety of potential solutions for anyone who seeks to escape from the price battle and breath - for a while - the healing air of uniqueness:
Let Yourself Be a DreamAIR!
DreamAIR opens up new fronteers of finishing in the various fabric compositions and applications, from silky goods to shirting to bottom weights, denim up to the new cellulosic fibers (lyocell, cupro), to polyester, both woven and knits.
Process can be carried out in the preparation step (on pfd fabrics) – such as fibrillation and/or enzyming – or on the dyed fabric or after printing (color fading, “garment effects” on fabrics, biopolishing)
- Denim & bottom weights: Cotton enzyming on pfd or after dyeing, cotton/tencel fibrillation and defibrillation, delavè effects, tridimentional washdowns. Rinse wash on denim for stability, bleaching and washdown overdyed.
- Womanswear: Tencel & blends, pes/modal, silk frosty look
- Shirting & Linen: yarn dyed enzyming or linen blends enzyming, color fading on pigment prints.
- Knits: Tencel & blends or modal/pes fibrillation and de-fibrillation
Models and possible continuous lines
DreamAIR continuous technology is based on modularity in order to cope with the production outputs and type of processes required. A line includes the air jet module DreamAIR performing chemical-physical processes plus an additional module, called WN for Washing and Neutralization steps, which works keeping fabric submerged in water.
These are the possible combinations:
- DreamAIR (4 vats and 2 channels divided for chemical process and rinsing)
- DreamAIR+ WN1 (single line)
- DreamAIR + WN2 (4 vats for rinsing/neutralization)
- Double DreamAIR (8 vats e 4 channels)
- Double DreamAIR + WN2 (double line)
Along the years we developed solutions for the various processing needs and requests